Managing Hybrid Services Licenses
The Webex API includes several methods which can be used by administrators to programmatically manage license usage of Webex Hybrid Services.
anchorThe following Hybrid Services licenses can be managed via the Webex API:
- Hybrid Call Aware
- Hybrid Call Connect
- Hybrid Exchange Calendar
- Hybrid Google Calendar
- API users must be assigned the “Full Administrator” role for their organization to access license information and display information about all people within the organization.
- API users must be assigned the “Full Administrator” role or have the
scope enabled to add licenses to users.
anchorLicenses and Usage
anchorAll Webex licenses for an organization can be retrieved via the /licenses
endpoint of the API. This will include Hybrid Services licenses if they are enabled for the particular organization.
Hybrid Services licenses will always be displayed with a total unit quantity of 1
and a consumed unit value of 0
. As licenses are assigned to users, these values will not change.
Listing Licenses
License information can be retrieved for any organization where the calling user is granted access. If no organization ID is specified in the request, the calling user’s organization will be used. Information about each license associated with the organization will be returned. See the List Licenses reference for more details.
"items" : [ {
"id" : "Y2lzY29zcGFyazovL3VzL0xJQ0VOU0UvMTIzNDU2NzgtOTBhYi1jZGVmLTEyMzQtNTY3ODkwYWJjZGVmOkFBXzEyMzQ1Njc4LTkwYWItY2RlZi0xMjM0LTU2Nzg5MGFiY2RlZg",
"name" : "Messaging",
"totalUnits" : "100",
"consumedUnits" : "17"
}, {
"name" : "Hybrid Call Aware",
"totalUnits" : "1",
"consumedUnits" : "0"
} ]
License Combinations and Dependencies
Google and Exchange Calendars
Organizations may have both Hybrid Exchange Calendar and Hybrid Google Calendar licenses enabled at the organization-level. Individual users may not have both of these services enabled at the same time. Attempting to add both licenses to the same user (to enable both services for that user) will result in an API error: Cannot enable both exchange and google calendar service for the same user.
Hybrid Call Aware and Hybrid Call Connect
The Hybrid Call Connect license cannot be added to users unless they also have the Hybrid Call Aware license enabled. Attempting to add Hybrid Call Connect to a user without Hybrid Call Aware will result in an API error: Cannot enable call connect service without call aware service.
anchorWebex Users (People)
anchorWebex administrators (both full and read-only administrators) can view all people either in bulk or individually. Using the People Resource of the API, full administrators can add and remove licenses from individual users.
Licenses can be applied either when people are created or via an update to individual existing people.
Listing All Users
Full administrators for the organization can list all people within an organization to see licenses associated with each person. Query parameters allow filtering by email or name—these options are not required for administrators.
"items" : [ {
"id" : "Y2lzY29zcGFyazovL3VzL1BFT1BMRS9mNWIzNjE4Ny1jOGRkLTQ3MjctOGIyZi1mOWM0NDdmMjkwNDY",
"emails" : [ "" ],
"displayName" : "John Andersen",
"orgId" : "OTZhYmMyYWEtM2RjYy0xMWU1LWExNTItZmUzNDgxOWNkYzlh",
"licenses" : [
... extra response data omitted ...
} ]
Listing Individual Users
To see which licenses are associated with individual users, use their person ID to retrieve their details, which will include the licenses associated with their account.
"id" : "Y2lzY29zcGFyazovL3VzL1BFT1BMRS9mNWIzNjE4Ny1jOGRkLTQ3MjctOGIyZi1mOWM0NDdmMjkwNDY",
"emails" : [ "" ],
"displayName" : "John Andersen",
"orgId" : "OTZhYmMyYWEtM2RjYy0xMWU1LWExNTItZmUzNDgxOWNkYzlh",
"licenses" : [
... extra response data omitted ...
This user has both Messaging (Y2lzY29zcGFyazovL3VzL0xJQ0VOU0UvMTIzNDU2NzgtOTBhYi1jZGVmLTEyMzQtNTY3ODkwYWJjZGVmOkFBXzEyMzQ1Njc4LTkwYWItY2RlZi0xMjM0LTU2Nzg5MGFiY2RlZg
) and the Hybrid Call Aware licenses (Y2lzY29zcGFyazovL3VzL0xJQ0VOU0UvMDEyMzQ1NjctODkwYS1iY2RlLWYwMTItMzQ1Njc4OTBhYmNkOkFBXzAxMjM0NTY3LTg5MGEtYmNkZS1mMDEyLTM0NTY3ODkwYWJjZA
) enabled.
Creating Webex Users
When creating Webex users, licenses which will be enabled for the new user can be included in the request. Include specific Hybrid Services licenses to enable those services for the new user. Be sure to use the license IDs retrieved from /licenses
as described earlier in this document—license IDs will be different from the examples here and between different organizations. See the Create a Person reference for more details about how to create people.
Example Request Body
"emails" : [ "" ],
"displayName" : "John Andersen",
"firstName" : "John",
"lastName" : "Andersen",
"avatar" : "URL",
"orgId" : "OTZhYmMyYWEtM2RjYy0xMWU1LWExNTItZmUzNDgxOWNkYzlh",
"roles" : [ "RoleID1", "RoleID2" ],
"licenses" : [
This user will be granted Messaging and Hybrid Call Aware licenses.
Example Response
"id" : "Y2lzY29zcGFyazovL3VzL1BFT1BMRS9mNWIzNjE4Ny1jOGRkLTQ3MjctOGIyZi1mOWM0NDdmMjkwNDY"
"emails" : [ "" ],
"displayName" : "John Andersen",
"firstName" : "John",
"lastName" : "Andersen",
"avatar" : "URL",
"orgId" : "OTZhYmMyYWEtM2RjYy0xMWU1LWExNTItZmUzNDgxOWNkYzlh",
"roles" : [ "RoleID1", "RoleID2" ],
"licenses" : [
"created" : "2015-10-18T14:26:16+00:00",
"timezone" : "America/Denver",
"lastActivity" : "2015-10-18T14:26:16+00:00",
Updating Webex Users
To add to or remove licenses from an existing person, update their record with the new license IDs. Include all attributes for the person (as described in the Update People reference), specifically including only the licenses which should be enabled for the person.
If the person is currently assigned a license which is not included in the update request it will be unassigned from that person. Be sure to include all other details for the person, as the PUT
operation expects all user details to be present in the request. It is common to first GET
the person details, make changes, and then PUT
those changes to ensure the other information is accurate.
Use the license IDs retrieved from /licenses
as described earlier—license IDs will be different from the examples here and between different organizations.
Example Request Body
"emails" : [ "" ],
"displayName" : "John Andersen",
"firstName" : "John",
"lastName" : "Andersen",
"avatar" : "URL",
"orgId" : "OTZhYmMyYWEtM2RjYy0xMWU1LWExNTItZmUzNDgxOWNkYzlh",
"roles" : [ "RoleID1", "RoleID2" ],
"licenses" : [
Example Response
"id" : "Y2lzY29zcGFyazovL3VzL1BFT1BMRS9mNWIzNjE4Ny1jOGRkLTQ3MjctOGIyZi1mOWM0NDdmMjkwNDY"
"emails" : [ "" ],
"displayName" : "John Andersen",
"firstName" : "John",
"lastName" : "Andersen",
"avatar" : "URL",
"orgId" : "OTZhYmMyYWEtM2RjYy0xMWU1LWExNTItZmUzNDgxOWNkYzlh",
"roles" : [ "RoleID1", "RoleID2" ],
"licenses" : [
"created" : "2015-10-18T14:26:16+00:00",
"timezone" : "America/Denver",
"lastActivity" : "2015-10-18T14:26:16+00:00",
anchorWebex Resource Groups
anchorResource Groups are collections of on-premise clusters which provide Hybrid Services to a subset of people in an organization. Your organization should have Hybrid Services enabled before using Resource Groups. When a Webex user is assigned a Hybrid Services license, they will be automatically associated to an on-premise cluster for that service. Resource Groups may be used to define a subset of users and clusters for a specific purpose, such as data regulation or class of service. For more information about when to use Resource Groups, see Resource Groups for Webex Hybrid Services.
Resource Groups API
Resource Groups are created and managed in Webex Control Hub. The Resource Groups API can be used to retrieve information about Resource Groups for an organization. Listing all groups or viewing details for a particular group requires an administrator auth token with the spark-admin:resource_groups_read
Resource Group Memberships API
Resource Group Memberships represent a user's assignment to a Resource Group for a particular Hybrid Service. When Hybrid Services licenses are associated with users, they are assigned to a “default” Resource Group for the service. The Resource Group Memberships API can be used to retrieve information about current Resource Group assignments and to change the Resource Group for a user's specific Hybrid Service.
All users with Hybrid Services licenses will be associated with a Resource Group for each service, either the default group or a specific one. Since users always belong to a Resource Group for each service, Resource Group Memberships cannot be created or deleted via the Webex API. Instead, users may remain associated with the default group for the service, or be associated with specific Resource Groups. The Update a Resource Group Membership endpoint can be used to move users between groups. To disassociate a user with a particular Resource Group, they should be moved back to the default group.
Viewing Resource Group Memberships requires an administrator auth token with the spark-admin:resource_group_memberships_read
scope. Updating memberships requires an administrator auth token with the spark-admin:resource_group_memberships_write
Resource Group API Usage Example
For example, to get started with managing Resource Groups via the Webex API, an Organization Administrator would generally go through the following steps:
1. Create a Resource Group
Create a Resource Group for a Hybrid Service in Webex Control Hub.
2. Assign Licenses to a User
Use the Licenses API to retrieve all licenses for your organization. Then, determine which Hybrid Services license you wish to apply. Apply this license to a user, along with any current licenses the user may be associated with.
See "Updating Webex Users" above for an example.
3. Find the Resource Group ID
Use the Resource Groups API to find the ID of the new Resource Group. Make note of this id
. You'll use this to change the user's Resource Group for this Hybrid Service.
"items" : [ {
"id" : "Y2lzY29zcGFyazovL3VzL1JFU09VUkNFX0dST1VQLzFjY2JiYzE3LWQ2MTYtNGQ3NC04NjRiLWIxZjNiMDcwMWZiYQ",
"name" : "Resource Group 1",
"orgId" : "Y2lzY29zcGFyazovL3VzL09SR0FOSVpBVElPTi85NmFiYzJhYS0zZGNjLTExZTUtYTE1Mi1mZTM0ODE5Y2RjOWE"
} ]
4. Find the User's Current Resource Group Membership
Use the List Resource Group Memberships endpoint with a licenseId
for a Hybrid Service and the user's personId
to find the current Resource Group Membership. If the user is not associated with a Resource Group, this membership will represent the default Resource Group. Make note of the id
"items" : [ {
"id" : "Y2lzY29zcGFyazovL3VzL1JFU09VUkNFX0dST1VQX01FTUJFUlNISVAvcGVyc29uSWQ6bGljZW5zZUlk",
"resourceGroupId" : "Y2lzY29zcGFyazovL3VzL1JFU09VUkNFX0dST1VQL2RlZmF1bHQ",
"licenseId" : "Y2lzY29zcGFyazovL3VzL0xJQ0VOU0UvMWNjYmJjMTctZDYxNi00ZDc0LTg2NGItYjFmM2IwNzAxZmJhOk1TXzAzMDRjMDkzLTFjM2MtNDRlMC1iYjBhLWU1ZDE2NDM2NmQ1OQ",
"personId" : "Y2lzY29zcGFyazovL3VzL1BFT1BMRS8wZWZiNWVkMC0wY2FmLTRiNTYtYmMxMS03MzhlOWRhMDU5MjM",
"personOrgId" : "Y2lzY29zcGFyazovL3VzL09SR0FOSVpBVElPTi8xZWI2NWZkZi05NjQzLTQxN2YtOTk3NC1hZDcyY2FlMGUxMGY",
"status" : "activated"
} ]
5. Assign User to the Resource Group
Use the Update a Resource Group Membership endpoint to change the Resource Group for the user. Use the value of the new Resource Group created above for the resourceGroupId
"resourceGroupId" : "Y2lzY29zcGFyazovL3VzL1JFU09VUkNFX0dST1VQLzFjY2JiYzE3LWQ2MTYtNGQ3NC04NjRiLWIxZjNiMDcwMWZiYQ",
"licenseId" : "Y2lzY29zcGFyazovL3VzL0xJQ0VOU0UvMWNjYmJjMTctZDYxNi00ZDc0LTg2NGItYjFmM2IwNzAxZmJhOk1TXzAzMDRjMDkzLTFjM2MtNDRlMC1iYjBhLWU1ZDE2NDM2NmQ1OQ",
"personId" : "Y2lzY29zcGFyazovL3VzL1BFT1BMRS8wZWZiNWVkMC0wY2FmLTRiNTYtYmMxMS03MzhlOWRhMDU5MjM",
"personOrgId" : "Y2lzY29zcGFyazovL3VzL09SR0FOSVpBVElPTi8xZWI2NWZkZi05NjQzLTQxN2YtOTk3NC1hZDcyY2FlMGUxMGY",
"status" : "activated"