Emergency Communications with Cisco Webex and Singlewire
December 4, 2018You don’t think you need it until something happens. And then, it’s too late. That's why every Cisco customer should look at InformaCast from Singlewire Software.
Singlewire is a leader in the Emergency Management Communications space. Singlewire is on the Cisco GPL orderable through CCW. They are a long time Cisco development partner, a Collaboration Integrator Partner, an early adopter of the Collaboration Cloud API’s, and installed on shipped UC platforms making it super easy to turn on for a customer.
Singlewire has integrated with Cisco Webex by creating a situation space in Webex called the Incident Response Space. In this space the important parties are added to a centralized space for the situation management team to facilitate and coordinate operations for that emergency. From right within the space, Singlewire InformaCast messages can be broadcast. For more information on the Webex integration, check out Singlewire’s video.
Emergency Management Communications has been getting a lot of attention lately with school emergencies being on the news every few weeks. What’s obvious from these stories is that clear communication can make a difference in the outcome. Watch this Singlewire video.
The violence in schools and workplaces is unnerving in large part due to the helplessness one feels when hearing about these situations, and how these stories could fit at random into your lives.
Dealing with violence is where the conversations about Emergency Management Communication always starts and ends, but it’s more than that. Talking with the Singlewire team, they recently shared a story with me about one of their customers, a large manufacturing company. One of the employees on the factory floor was having a heart attack. InformaCast played a key role in getting help to that person, directing emergency responders quickly to the right location, and the employee’s life was saved. Customers end up using the Singlewire platform for communicating about medical emergencies, weather emergencies, and facility emergencies (such as spilled chemicals) on a regular basis.
It’s not often that we work with a partner that has such a moral or ethical value in their mission. It’s a good feeling to support them. We love telling people about Singlewire and giving our customers a great option on how to help improve the outcomes from emergencies that so often seem to be out of our control. At least there are some things we can do to plan for the unexpected.
If you’re a school or a business without an Emergency Mass Notification System and plan, we recommend you check out InformaCast from Singlewire.
Additional resources:https://www.singlewire.com/notification-informacast-and-cisco-webex-teamshttps://www.singlewire.com/blog/emergency-notification/meraki-camera