Additional statuses for the People API
March 9, 2017Adam KalseyAdam Kalsey leads the Webex Developer Relations team.
A few months ago we added the ability to retrieve a person’s status from the People API. The available status options are expanding to include a few more in addition to active and inactive.
People can now also be Out of Office (OutOfOffice) or Do Not Disturb (DoNotDisturb):
- Out of Office (OutOfOffice) is available to organizations who have Calendar Integration enabled. Ask your organization administrator for details about your organization’s calendar integration settings.
- Do Not Disturb (DoNotDisturb) is a temporary status set by the user via the Spark desktop, mobile, or web clients.
The Spark status field is read-only; Spark determines the appropriate status for the person automatically. With the new additions, a person can now be active, inactive, OutOfOffice, or DoNotDisturb.
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